Connecting Brussels with Silicon Valley

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    If you are a Brussels-based company thinking about expanding your products and services to the West Coast, the CBSV Immersion Program 2014 (Connecting Brussels with Silicon Valley) will be the perfect match for you.

    Brussels Invest & Export now offers a unique 2 week full-time program in the heart of Silicon Valley/in the heart of San Francisco’s Financial District.

    Participating companies will not only be offered an office space but experience an ecosystem of services essential to the success of emerging companies. Such services include but are not limited to introductions, workshops, B2B meetings, pitching events, education, facilities, IT services, and a community connection. You will have the opportunity to meet and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs from all around the world, large corporations, service providers, investors, government and educational institutions alike to drive their collaborative innovation and successful market adaption and growth.

    The CBSV Immersion Program helps you validate your platform, products or services for the U.S. market and is a great tool to expand your business to the West Coast. With an office space open 7 days a week, we will provide your company a soft landing location to connect with Silicon Valley.

    Participation is free (travel expenses and accomodation not included) and includes offices space (in 3 different locations) and an access to essential services (Internet, telephones, parking) and man other activities (workshops, coaching, networking, belgium expat gathering meetings, etc).

    Inscription : minimum 6 weeks before departure of participants (max 2).  Please find the inscription form here.