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  • En received European Cluster Excellence Bronze Label

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  • Print was benchmarked by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis (ESCA). By participating in this benchmarking, was awarded with the European Cluster Management Excellence label in Bronze.

    Cluster management organizations that are benchmarked demonstrate their interest in striving for excellence. For being benchmarking under the ESCA benchmarking approach by one of the ESCA experts cluster management organizations are awarded with the Bronze Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative.

    The cluster was analyzed based on an interview of the cluster manager conducted by an impartial ESCA benchmarking expert. The interview covers 36 indicators with regard to the structure of the cluster, the cluster management and the governance of the cluster, financing of the cluster management, services provided by the cluster management, contacts and interaction within the cluster and achievements and recognition of the cluster.       

    Results are presented by an individual report to the cluster management and include also recommendations for further improvement in line with the requirements of the cluster quality label that is currently developed by the European Cluster Excellence Initiative.