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    Cédric De Cock, co-manager of the Home Bar 7/7

    A bar unlike others since it is the consumers themselves who will serve their pints at the table, with each table connected by a pump to gigantic beer tanks in the basement. All managed from a touch screen also installed at each table. Extract of the interview with Cédric De Cock, pioneer of this concept. The complete interview is available in french or dutch on this site.

    The help that made the difference?

    Cédric De Cock: “I first applied for, and obtained, substantial support from ABE: administrative steps, business plan, financial plan, sector expertise, legal expertise, financial assistance. You can say that ABE quite literally put me on track.

    Second key element: finding partners. And in that case, thank you family! I set up a small SPRL (limited company) with my two brothers who, in addition, have professional skills that will be very useful to me: one already manages a catering establishment, the other has all the skills necessary for accounting management of the business. Finally, on a day-to-day basis, I will be joint manager with Alexandre, a childhood friend. For the rest, we will naturally have to employ personnel but, to reduce costs in an economic context that is not very cheerful, we are going to rely essentially on student labour.”

    Interview : Adrien Mintiens - 2012 

    In short

    Name : Cédric De Cock
    Fonction : co-manager
    Date of birth : 23 september 1983
    Main diploma : bachelor's degree in Journalism and Communication at l’ULB
    Activity sector : horeca
    Number of employees : 2 managers, one wokring student
    Philosophy: «Go! »
    Contact details :
    437, Avenue de la Couronne, 1050 Bruxelles