1819, the telephone number for Brussels entrepreneurs

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    impulse.brussels is the central operator of the 1819 service, the regional contact centre dedicated exclusively to Brussels entrepreneurs.

    Advisors there will provide specific replies to your questions regarding:

    • the creation of an enterprise and the necessary formalities
    • the various types of funding, co-funding and co-guarantee
    • the possible financial grants and aids for which your enterprise may be eligible
    • the different legal entities of an enterprise and the tax, social and legal consequences of your choice
    • the obligations in case of recruitment and the possibilities of tax reduction of the employers' contributions
    • specific regulations (trade practices, commercial property leases, establishment, environment, town planning...)
    • property solutions tailored to your needs (enterprise centres, scientific parks, workshops,...)

    The advisors will also point you towards:

    • existing initiatives and tools for entrepreneurs in Brussels
    • relevant institutions and business support services that can contribute to the achievement of your projects

    Do you have a question? In that case, specifically...

    • call the abbreviated number 1819 (no, you don’t have to dial 02 first...)
      • Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 13.00,
      • Tuesday evening between 17.00 and 19.30.
    • the charge is the same as that for a normal call but can very from provider to provider ;
    • you can always ask to be called back or ask your question by email;
    • the advisors will listen to you and provide you with an immediate answer. Subsequently you will receive an email containing all the relevant information for your project (partners, regulations, ...).

    And for the rest...

    The 1819 service :

    • gives valuable resources, links and information on the "Business in Brussels" website (only avalaible in French or Dutch) 
    • publishes a monthly newsletter which will enable you to keep up-to-date with the latest events and topical issues for entrepreneurs (in french or dutch also)


    Please note that the 1819 service is a telephone and on-line information service. It is not a counter that you can visit freely or at which you can make an appointment.