Specific projects and programmes

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    The Government of the Brussels Capital region regularly entrusts impulse.brussels with a certain number of delegated tasks which are called for in addition to the traditional activity (raising young people’s awareness of entrepreneurial spirit, promoting the creation of activities in specific industries, assembling pilot projects, etc...). The European Union has also designated impulse.brussels as Brussels contact point in various European programmes aimed at enterprises (finance, research & development, regional development, ..).


    • Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs : Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs is a cross-border exchange programme which gives new or aspiring entrepreneurs the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs running small businesses in other European Union countries. impulse.brussels is the local contact point for the Brussels-Capital region since 2009.
      Read more about the participation conditons, benefits, objectives,...

    • Enterprise Europe Brussels : Enterprise Europe Brussels is the Brussels representative of Enterprise Europe Network, the biggest european service network for SME's.  Enterprise Europe Brussels offers professional business and innovation support services to its Brussels-based clients and is a joint initiative of impulse.brussels and Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI).

    • NCP Brusselsimpulse.brussels has been designated as "National Contact Point" for Horizon2020. This is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe and it runs from 2014-2020. Horizon2020 supports research in selected priority areas.  AS NCP Brussels, impulse.brussels supports Brussels based SMEs and research centers to get funding for their european R&D project.