has a team of advisors and experts who can analyse your project in detail and help you complete certain formalities or critical stages.
However, some of these services are subject to conditions (sector of activity, socio-economic scope of the project, project maturity...).
You can discuss the situation of your enterprise in complete confidence with the experts, in particular if this involves:
Public funding :
We identify appropriate funding and explain to you the conditions on which it is granted. We will also make recommendations for the compilation of your file. You may already be able to prepare your exact questions in advance using first the search engine for regional grants and aid, developed by (only available in french or dutch)
Finance :
We identify and validate your financial needs and the possible financing strategy.
Business plan :
We provide you with explanations on the essential elements for incorporation into a business plan or, if you are already more advanced, we undertake a critical reading of your business plan and an overall examination. Naturally we will give you recommendations on the aspects to be improved and will then undertake a final read-through. Here too, has developed a free tool which guides you, step by step, in the creation of a business plan. It is available free of charge at (french or dutch)
RD&I assistance :
Following analysis of your project we review all the aid available (regional, federal and European) and recommend the one which is appropriate to your project. In the case of European aid, we will explain to you how the mechanism works and will assist you in assembling the file.
Environmental questions :
We undertake an overall analysis of the context and a technical analysis. We will then research with you possible technical solutions to the problem, identify suppliers, give you advice for the specifications and the selection of offers, identify the aid available and make recommendations for compiling the file. Where appropriate we will also undertake an analysis of the regulations.
Town planning and environment permit :
We analyse your need and determine the types of permit to request. We will explain to you the procedure to follow and the elements necessary to complete the permit application forms. We will also make recommendations for optimising the file and assist you in compiling the permit applications. We can also clarify administrative opinions and decisions on the subject.
Technological positioning of a project :
We analyse your project and the key technological arguments. We undertake a prior rights search based on patents and international databases of technological information relating to similar or competitive products or services. In specific cases we will call on outside technical expertise.
Competitive positioning of a project :
We carry out two sections. As regards the forecasting section we undertake an inventory of the relevant product/market combinations and obtain market information on similar products and services as well as forward-looking international market studies. We will then evaluate the attractiveness of the product/market combinations and will make a synthesis of the information and consider the product/market combinations with potential. With regard to the factual section: we contribute to the completion of the market studies and will identify the competition (analysis of current technologies, benchmark product, definition of competing value propositions).
Project development strategies :
We will support you in the validation or determination of the strategic directions, taking account of sustainable development as a business strategy.
International RD&I partnership :
We will undertake a preliminary audit of your enterprise’s ability to take part in an RD&I programme initiated by the European Commission. We validate the project in relation to the objectives of the programme and seek international partners for creation of the partnership. We then accompany you step by step: creation of the file in its form, negotiation of the contract with the European Commission, implementation of the project, use and exploitation of the project results.
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