Participating in this exchange allowed me to understand the management of a start-up and gives me hope in women excelling in business.
Het BSE-project, geleid door Leefmilieu Brussel, en de vzw Groupe One, heeft zijn doel bereikt: in het hele Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest economische activiteit en werkgelegenheid creëren door de prioritaire kanalen binnen de sector leefmilieu aan te moedigen
Read here about the stock of 7-year activities on tech & RDI collaborations for SMEs !
As of 2 January 2015, will located at a new address! Make note of it now...
Enterprise Europe Brussels makes a call to action to Brussels-based SMEs willing to growth and secure their future. Let us know if you are interested in an evaluation of the innovation management of your company.
If you are a Brussels-based company thinking about expanding your products and services to the West Coast, the CBSV Immersion Program 2014 (Connecting Brussels with Silicon Valley) will be the perfect match for you.
Enterprise Europe Brussels proposes new specialised services aimed at enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs. Let us know if you are interested in an evaluation of the innovation management of your company!
Several months ago the Brussels government decided to create a "Entrepreneurship, Commerce and Innovation Center". It will be the home of 4 public organisations and is one of them ! In 2014 we will move to Saint-Gilles... was benchmarked by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. By participating in this benchmarking, was awarded with the European Cluster Management Excellence label in Bronze.
On Wednesday December 4, 2013, an agreement has been signed between and the Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks (HKSTP), following constructive interactions built since the visit of a delegation from the HKSTP in Brussels in October 2013.