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    To carry out its missions, has a team of sixty committed employees, mainly recruted in the private sector. This multidisciplinary team is continuously trained and invests day after day in meeting the demands and needs of businesses.

    Advisors are grouped in three major centers of competence:

    1) Information & Network department

    Dpt Info et réseaux

    The advisors inform and advise all businesspersons (established businesses, self-employed, SME's...) that have questions regarding the setting up of a company, financing and grants, public assistance available etc.

    Individual information is provided via the 1819-service.

    Collective information takes different forms: the departement developed several websites and useful tools for entrepreneurs, is present on social media, gives numerous seminars, information sessions and coaching sessions or participates in trade fairs and fairs.

    2. Expertise & Coordination department

    Dpt Expertise et Coordination de l'ABEThis department is composed of  experts that :

    • facilitate the socio-economic development of businesses by providing timely and focused accompaniments in a limited series of themes ;
    • ensure the proper functioning of the Council of Economic Coordination (régional coordinating body);
    • provide support to other departments of (financing, business plan, legal matters, town planning, environment).

    3. Innovative Sectors department

    Dpt Secteur InnovantsThe Innovative Sector department's mission is to stimulate business growth in activity areas which are a priority for the Brussels-Capital region : health, new information and communication technologies,green technologies and ecological construction. There is a particular focus on asspect of employment, sustainability and internationalization. The four sectorial business units are supported by a fifth unit "Innovation and Internationalisation". It is the Brussels representative of the largest European network for advice and partnerships « Enterprise Europe Network », as well as NCP Brussels.

    pt Coporate ServicesThe three departments are supported by a 4th department, that of Corporate Services. This department looks after quality policy, gives support to the operational management for the development and implementation of strategic projects, is in charge of the agencies' budget and bookkeeping, corporate communications, IT and logistics.